‘Yoko,’ an exhibition of ten new large format inkjet prints by British artist Don Brown. For fifteen years, the subject matter of Brown’s drawings and sculptures has concentrated on the depiction of his wife and muse Yoko. This new series of prints, based on Brown’s photographic documentation of his sculptures, marks the inclusion of a new medium in the artist’s oeuvre.


 Having long since photographed his sculptures as a method of archiving his work, for the first time Brown presents ten images as artwork in their own right.  The effect is immediate: the flatness of the medium is juxtaposed with the sculptural form creating something wholly unique. Brown remarks that it is ‘as if everything is concentrated in a single view and the surface is uninterrupted.’  The formal qualities of his sculpture, including that of texture and composition, come vividly to the surface as the viewer is presented with a carefully composed two-dimensional view of the sculpture.