Dan Flavin
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An experiment in making larger multiples, this work is the only one intended to have more than three or five fabricated.
The dedication is to an actress and art collector whom Flavin met in Germany.
“Dan Flavin.” Janie C. Lee Gallery, Dallas. Opened April 10, 1971.“Dan Flavin.” Galleria Pasquale Trisorio, Naples. Opened October 16, 1974.
“Kölner Kunstmarkt '71.” Cologne. October 1971.
“Dan Flavin: The Architecture of Light.” Deutsche Guggenheim, Berlin. November 6, 1999–February 13, 2000.
“Arte Minimal de la Colección Panza.” Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid. March 24–December 31, 1988.. “Un Choix d'art minimal dans la collection Panza.” Musée d'art moderne de la Ville de Paris. July 12–November 4, 1990.
“Dan Flavin: Stanze di luce tra Varese e New York; Opere della Collezione Panza dal Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York.” Villa Panza, Varese, Italy. September 30-December 12, 2004.
“Percezione dello Spazio: Arte Minimal Della Collezione Panza dal Guggenheim di New York.” Foro Boario, Modena. Nov 30, 2003-March 7, 2004.
“Licht: Dan Flavin, Francois Morellet, Keith Sonnier.” Galerie Thomas Modern. November 29, 2013-February 15, 2014.
Art of the Sixties and Seventies: The Panza Collection. New York: Rizzoli International.
Kölner Kunst Markt '71. .
Licht: Dan Flavin, Francois Morellet, Keith Sonnier. Galerie Thomas Modern.
Anfam, David. “Berlin: Dan Flavin.” Burlington Magazine 142, no. 1166 (May 2000), pp. 326–27.
Buchholz, Daniel, and Gregorio Magnani, eds. International Index of Multiples from Duchamp to the Present. Tokyo: Spiral/Wacaol Art Center; Cologne: Verlag de Buchhandlung Walther König.
Butterfield, Jan. “Dallas Exhibitions Offer Varied Artistic Approach.” Fort Worth Star-Telegram (April 25, 1971), sec. H, p. 5. Celant, Germano. Das Bild einer Geschichte 1956–1976: Die Sammlung Panza di Biumo. Milan: Electa International.
Ohff, Heinz. “Multiples in Germany.” Studio International 182, no. 936 (September 1971), pp. 97–98.
Texts by Germano Celant, and Fernando Huici. Arte Minimal de la Colección Panza. Madrid: Fundación Para el Apoyo de la Cultura.
Texts by Giuseppe Panza di Biumo, Anglea Vettese, Roberta Riccioni, Lucia Borromeo Dina, and Laura Marrioli Rossi. Dan Flavin: Stanze di luce tra Varese e New York. FAI, Fondo per l'Ambiente Italiano and Skira, Milano.
Texts by J. Fiona Ragheb, Joseph Kosuth, Frances Colpitt, Michael Govan, Brydon E. Smith, Jonathan Crary, Tiffany Bell, and Michael Newman. Dan Flavin: The Architecture of Light. New York: Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum.
Texts by Suzanne Pagé et al. Un Choix d'art minimal dans la collection Panza. Paris: Musée d'art moderne de la Ville de Paris.